domingo, 13 de diciembre de 2020


 Hi everybody!

How is it going? I hope you are having a fantastic weekend. 

This is the song 6A and 6B needs to learn for Christmas.  The song is called ‘Rocking around the Christmas tree’ and the singer in Miley Cyrus.

We will be rehearsing at school too! Do not worry the choreography is very easy!

You can see the choreography in last year’s post María our music teacher recorded with year 6 students.

See you tomorrow!

martes, 20 de octubre de 2020


 Hi everybody!

These are the steps we have to follow to dance 'Thriller'.

Have fun!

Thriller Dance

Start off crouching on the floor before the music begins


1.          Slow walk (standing)

a.    4 steps to the front

b.    4 steps to the back

2.        Fast twitch shoulder

a.    4 steps to the front twitching your right shoulder

b.    4 steps to the back twitching your left shoulder

3.        Swimming

a.    4 swimming steps to the right

b.    4 swimming steps to the left

4.        Shimmy bend and clap (repeat 2 times)

a.    1 step to the right

b.    1 step to the left

5.        Zombie claws

a.    4 steps to the right (zombie claws on the 4th step)

b.    4 steps to the left (zombie claws on the 4th step)



1.        Hands up during the first line of the chorus (hold up hands for 5 seconds)

2.        Shimmy with arms

a.    4 times and punch right arm on the 4th step and stick your leg out

b.    4 times and punch left arm on the 4th step and stick your leg out

3.        Dead leg 360° turn

a.    8 steps turning around completely to the right

b.    8 steps turning around completely to the left

4.        Free style poses

5.        Searching up and down right and left 4 times in total

6.        Disco fingers 4 right left right left

7.        Backstroke 4 times

8.        Rainbow arms and shimmy in place right and left 4 times

R epeat chorus twice


Cool down

1.        Shimmy bend and clap 4 times

2.        Zombie claws 4 times

3.        Slow to fast zombie walk front and back

4.        Go back to being dead